Tashi Delek, Happy Losar
Today is the beginning of Tibetan New Year, and celebrated by our staff and children as well as many of our Nepalese friends too.
Tashi delek is a Tibetan expression used in greeting, congratulation, and good-luck wishes. So Losar Tashi Delek everyone.
As always, New Year is preceded by spring cleaning and the school is no exception. Our students routinely keep their facilities and equipment clean and tidy – with a special deep clean before new year!
Even the little ones have to help – a lesson about taking care of their belongings and surroundings and learned early in life.
And then after the cleaning and Losar preparation work, there’s time for a fun outing to the lake.
The Importance of An Education – and an opportunity to help
We all know how important it is to educate girls. The World Bank cites that “a girl with an extra year of education can earn 20% more income as an adult”.
Our girls are all from impoverished families or are vulnerable for trafficking and abuse. Recently 6 girls arrived at school. We never turn any children away and have already found sponsors for 4 of them – if you might be interested to sponsor one of these 2 sisters aged 5 and 7, please do email me for further information at Linda@Altevetteproject.org
The family are subsistence farmers from Rukum – a high altitude and remote area to the South West of Upper Mustang, and several days walk from the school.
The family, in this harsh landscape, can barely grow enough food to feed themselves and we are happy to support them by providing and opportunity for their daughters to receive a good education, nourishing meals 3 times a day and safe accommodation amongst friends. Please help if you can.
Thank you all, for your ongoing support. More news to come soon……